Discover: Luce Rushton - Tiny Car

Discover: Luce Rushton – Tiny Car

London based artist Luce Rushton recently released this track ‘Tiny Car‘ which is taken from their forthcoming EP. It’s a minimal, acoustic indie-pop side withe melancholy vocals, atmospheric instrumentation and delicate melodies. This track is taken from Luce Rushton’s debut EP ‘Slinky’ which is set for release on 6th June 2024 via Sad Club Records.

Speaking of the track Luce Rushton has said:“‘Tiny Car’ was written about processing a challenging experience I faced. It serves as a therapeutic outlet for emotions I struggled to express verbally, sort of like a letter. The song encapsulates a range of feelings, from forgiveness and understanding to frustration and anger. It think it is my most personal song and it takes a moment to gear myself up to play it live as unlike my other songs its subject goes on unresolved.”

Listen to ‘Tiny Car’ by Luce Rushton below and keep up with them on social media via the following links:

Instagram | Twitter | Spotify |